Articles tagged as "coronavirus"
Unpacking the impact of COVID-19 for Botswana investors
The COVID-19 pandemic has forced countries into lockdown and amplified market volatility, leading most investors in Botswana to question the impact the...
Take charge of your finances during COVID-19
As we think about the day-to-day impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on our families, friends, colleagues and communities, it’s easy to lose sight of our long-te...
Q&A with Allan Gray and Orbis: Investing beyond COVID-19
While financial market volatility as a result of COVID-19 is expected to continue over the short term, the investment teams at Allan Gray and Orbis are focus...
Investing during lockdown and beyond
Sometimes in investing, the best thing to do is nothing. In a presentation to advisers and clients via Zoom webinar, Duncan Artus examined the levels and...
Orbis: Keeping a clear head during the COVID chaos
2020 has proven to be a year of many firsts, for all the wrong reasons, resulting in much uncertainty. Presenting to clients via Zoom webinar, Alec Cutler,...
Orbis: The importance of preparation
In this six-minute video, Orbis' president and head of the investment team, William Gray, discusses the impact of COVID-19 on the firm and the importance of...
Orbis: Lesson from the past
In this seven-minute video, Orbis portfolio manager, Adam Karr, draws on lessons learned in previous market crises to discuss the current environment and som...
Optimism in a time of distress
As we pull together as a nation struggling to come to terms with the health and financial crises we face, is there any room at all for optimism? Lise-Mari...
Avoid "hot thinking" when it comes to your investments
The markets have plunged in the face of COVID-19. The temptation to disinvest and wait on the sidelines for things to improve is real. But is this a form of...
Orbis: Turn away from the noise and look to the long term
Much has been written about the emotional cycle of fear and greed in investing. Both panic and excessive optimism can create extraordinary opportunities for...
The world after the COVID-19 pandemic
We are witnessing a global economic collapse without precedent in modern times. As investors we must think about what the world will look like when the...
Orbis: Performance and positioning during COVID-19
There has been little else to talk about as COVID-19 dominates world headlines. Globally, everyone is trying to evaluate the real impact the pandemic will ha...
COVID-19: We remain open for you during the lockdown
As we enter into lockdown, Tamryn Lamb, head of retail distribution, reassures investors that we are open during this most unsettling time. She also provides...
COVID-19: Evaluating market risk versus opportunity
We have managed our portfolios through a range of different crises since 1974. Over the last 20 years, the dotcom collapse in 2001/02, the global financial...
Allan Gray will continue to operate during the COVID-19 lockdown
Following President Cyril Ramaphosa’s announcement of a 21-day country-wide lockdown as of midnight on 26 March 2020, we would like to reassure you that Alla...
Our commitment to business continuity during COVID-19
With so much uncertainty in the markets as a result of the COVID-19 coronavirus, we recognise the importance of being available to our clients.
Making sense of current market conditions
The current market volatility is understandably causing investors much stress. Allan Gray and Orbis examine the impact of coronavirus and offer clients some...