Insights categories - Retirement

Independent financial advice: Mapping your employees’ path to a comfortable retirement

Everjoy Gumbo explains how employers can contribute to bridging South Africa’s retirement gap by availing access to independent financial advice, which can empower employees to make informed decisions in the interest of achieving a secure and sustainable future.

Due to undersaving, most working South Africans are unable to keep up with their basic needs if and when they retire. This so-called “retirement gap” can be calculated at any point in an individual’s lifetime to determine whether they are on track to achieve a good retirement outcome or if changes are needed to make up for an indicated shortfall.

Underlying issues: Cost of living, unemployment and lack of preservation

Economic downturn, steep unemployment rates and the higher cost of living (a result of increased inflation and interest rates) post the COVID-19 pandemic have further widened the overall retirement gap in South Africa. Meanwhile, many desperate workers have either done away with or lowered their retirement savings contributions and accessed their existing retirement savings to fund day-to-day needs.

The government and financial services industry have long observed the struggle for retirement fund members to balance preserving their long-term retirement savings with the need for access to funds during emergencies and financial difficulties. The two-pot retirement system, which was implemented on 1 September 2024, aims to combat financial hardship by allowing limited access to retirement funds, while enforcing preservation.

As an employer, you can play a role in reducing the retirement gap by:

  1. Making saving for retirement a condition of employment
  2. Providing your employees with access to independent financial advice

In this article, our focus is on the latter option. While you are not obligated to provide access to professional advice, choosing to do so is a value-add that can enable much better retirement outcomes for your staff.

Understanding independent financial advice and its value

Independent financial advice is vital to supporting individuals as they make key financial decisions. This includes a wide range of financial planning activities, from addressing day-to-day needs, such as budgeting and building an emergency fund, to lifelong goals, such as working towards retiring comfortably.

For those South Africans who have retirement savings in place, this often forms the bulk of their life savings, which makes receiving guidance on how to manage these funds essential.

That said, many individuals who are not aware of the value of advice, believe independent financial advisers (IFAs) are only for the very wealthy and do not know how to go about accessing advice. One way to overcome these barriers, is by contracting an employee benefits consultant for your company. Typically, an employee benefits consultant assists an employer in structuring the best retirement savings and group risk solution for their business, but you can also approach them to give advice to your employees. In instances where employee benefits consultants do not provide individual advice, they tend to partner with and recommend IFAs who do.

How independent financial advice helps to bridge the retirement gap

There are four key ways in which independent advice can result in improved retirement savings outcomes:

What to look for in an independent financial adviser

There are a few factors to consider when determining if an adviser or consultant is an appropriate fit for your business and your employees. First and foremost, make sure they are appropriately qualified and accredited by the Financial Sector Conduct Authority. Secondly, independence is key: An IFA is not incentivised to promote one product over another, which ensures that any part of the recommended financial plan is in the client’s best interests. Lastly, they should be transparent about their service offering and the fees that they charge.

You can make a difference

Offering retirement benefits gives your employees a step up, boosting efforts to save towards a good retirement outcome. In addition, it can help with recruitment as it makes your company more attractive to potential employees, clearly demonstrating your commitment to their long-term wellbeing. Coupled with independent financial advice, this access can bring comfortable retirement within closer reach for a higher number of working South Africans.

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