• Investment growth

  • Your contributions

Over time, your investment could be worth


Find out how inflation affects the buying power
of your money.

Information and content notice

The information and content of this publication/presentation is provided by Allan Gray as general information about the company and its products and services. Allan Gray does not guarantee the suitability or potential value of any information or particular investment source. Actual investor performance may differ as a result of the investment date, the date of reinvestment and dividend withholding tax. Movements in exchange rates may cause the value of underlying international investments to go up or down. The information provided is not intended to nor does it constitute financial, tax, legal, investment, or other advice. Before making any decision or taking any action regarding your finances, you should consult a qualified financial adviser. Nothing contained in this publication/presentation constitutes a solicitation, recommendation, endorsement or offer by Allan Gray, but is merely an invitation to do business.

Allan Gray has taken and will continue to take care that all information provided, in so far as this is under its control, is true and correct. However, Allan Gray shall not be responsible for and therefore disclaims any liability for any loss, liability, damage (whether direct or consequential) or expense of any nature whatsoever, which may be suffered as a result of or which may be attributable, directly or indirectly, to the use of or reliance upon any information provided.

Important reminder: All values shown are indicative based on the information given. Past performance is not an indication of future performance, and investment returns are not guaranteed. This calculator is not a financial planning tool.

Are you investing monthly?

You choose if and how much you want to invest monthly (min R1 000) and can increase, decrease, stop and restart your contributions whenever you want to. No transaction fees and no penalties.

Need a larger number?
You can type one in manually

By how much will you increase your monthly contributions each year?

Consider increasing your contributions each year to at least keep up with inflation (i.e. the rising cost of goods and services over time).

Are you investing a lump sum?

You can start investing with a monthly amount, a single lump sum amount, or both. If you don’t want to invest monthly, you can start with a single lump sum of R50 000 or more.

Need a larger number?
You can type one in manually

How many years do you plan to invest for?

Long-term wealth creation requires patience. The longer you leave your money invested for, the more time it has to grow.

What is your investment objective?

Your investment growth comes from the unit trust(s) you are invested in. Remember that investment returns don’t come in a straight line. This means that the value of your investment may go up and down, which is known as fluctuation.

Higher growth
Many ups & downs

Investment time horizon more than 5 years

Steady growth
Some ups & downs

Investment time horizon more than 3 years

Lower growth
Fewer ups & downs

Investment time horizon at least 2 years

Low growth
Very few ups & downs

Investment time horizon approximately 1 year
  • Monthly amount

  • Yearly increase

  • Lump sum

  • Years invested

  • Investment objective

    Steady growth

    Higher growth,
    Many ups & downs

    Steady growth,
    Some ups & downs

    Lower growth,
    Fewer ups & downs

    Low growth
    Very few ups & downs

Ready to take the next step?

Ready to take the next step?

Achieving your financial goals starts with making good financial decisions. Wherever you are in your journey, there is no time like the present to take that next step.

Invest via our new mobile web app

Allan Gray Go is the simplest way to start a basic unit trust investment in one of our core unit trusts. The app is designed to help you invest an appropriate amount and achieve your investment goal.

Invest via Allan Gray Go

Invest via our website

Choose between all the different investment accounts and unit trusts we offer.

Invest via Allan Gray Online

© Allan Gray Proprietary Limited. All rights reserved. The content and information may not be reproduced or distributed without the prior written consent of Allan Gray Pty Ltd (Allan Gray). Information and content notice.

See what your investment could be worth

Investment values change all the time. Do you know what yours could grow to?

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The financial services, products or investments referred to on this website are not available to persons resident in jurisdictions where their availability or distribution would contravene local laws or regulations and the information on this website is not intended for use by these persons. This website is for information only and does not in any way constitute a solicitation or offer by Allan Gray Proprietary Limited or any of its associates or subsidiaries (collectively “Allan Gray”) to buy or sell any financial instruments or to provide any investment advice or service.

By selecting one of the countries below I confirm that I have read and understood the above and that:

(a) I am not a South African citizen; or 
(b) I do not reside in the Republic of South Africa; or 
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(e) I confirm that any investment with Allan Gray is based on my own initiative and not due to any offer or solicitation by Allan Gray.